Immersive exhibition explores the secret world of ants.
Antopia, the much-anticipated follow up to our award-winning TYAMA exhibition, has now opened at Melbourne Museum.
Shrink down and enter into an ant colony to experience life from their point of view. With state-of-the-art interactive digital environments displayed in real-time on huge 6m high screens, Antopia explores the complex lives of ants like never before.
As you venture through the exhibition, you’ll discover life from an ant’s perspective:
- Watch as ants work tirelessly to construct tunnels throughout the vast expanse of the nest, thousands of lives depending on these intricate passageways.
- Step into an intimate nursery where ants are busy caring for their young, tending to each stage of development with dedication and care.
- Witness the majesty of the queen ant, the heart of this colony, surrounded by her devoted offspring ready to cater to her every need as she ensures the colony’s future.
- Marvel at the ants’ agricultural prowess as they cultivate vast fungus gardens and farm aphids for sustenance as they plan carefully for the future.
- Join the ants as they venture outside of the nest to forage for food, building bridges with their bodies and working together to defend the nest against predators.
Perfect for families, kids and adults alike, Antopia promises an adventure like no other. The immersive exhibition is now open at Melbourne Museum, running from 14 December 2024 until 10 March 2025.