Introducing FABLES
S1T2 is announcing an interactive exhibition of works titled Fables From The Threshold (FABLES), opening 1 April 2016 at The Mechanic – 1 Woodburn St. Redfern.
Presented by S1T2, FABLES is a week long Sydney-exclusive exhibition held at The Mechanic that will launch on 1 April 2016, followed by access to general public from 4-8 April 2016.
The exhibition will be a highly-participatory collection of introspective experiences that explore the technical achievements of up-and-coming Australian artists shaping the digital landscape. It will give you the opportunity to consider the hope and fear that future technologies promise, through a plethora of fun and immersive experiences including interactive environments, digital visualisations, virtual realities and much more. As you see, hear and feel your way through the exhibition you will discover new ways to ignite your senses and rediscover beauty in the ordinary.
For more information, download the deck: Exhibition Deck (PDF)
Alternatively you can contact if you have any questions regarding the exhibition.
Callout to artists
The Expression of Interest (EOI) is now available to any Australian artist, technical engineer or creative technologist looking to participate in the exhibition. Furthermore, as part of our belief in multidisciplinary expertise, we encourage everyone including those outside the traditional norms of 'artistry' and newcomers to partake in this EOI.
Download it here:
The deadline for submissions of the EOI is due Wed, 27 Jan 2016 before 5pm.