A storytelling website
Our graphic designer Eve has teamed up with developer Liam in designing an interactive website for the NSW government that allows users to be educated in a new and more engaging way. Protect the Snowies, a storytelling website, was created to raise awareness about the wild horses that endanger Kosciuszko National Park.

Here’s some behind the scenes footage of how this website came to life:
By making a layered and colourful parallax website, we’re presenting information in a visually appealing and interactive manner for people to engage and connect with the story. Videos are embedded within the website for accounts of people that constantly engage with the park.

Eve was inspired by Brian Edward Miller, his use of shadows and highlights gives a true sense of depth and character to his illustrations. This was incorporated in her rendition, that worked hand in hand with the parallax feature of the website.
We wanted to create a unique experience for users to have an engaging way of learning about the issues at hand. The content may be educational in nature but if you present it in a visually appealing and interactive manner it's easier for people to connect with the story.

The horses have been the main impact of the park’s deterioration, trampling and disrupting the environment, endangering native species found nowhere else in the world. A wild horse population statistic is embedded within the website’s parallax feature. As the user scrolls within the website, it goes through the park’s timeline and reflects the growth of the wild horse population, from the early 2000’s progressing all the way to the future in 2020.

Through the years, various wild horse management programs has been causing controversial stir. So the website was created as a different approach, to rationalize management schemes, make the impacts more understandable and acceptable. It aims to open conversations, gain feedback, and public support to carry out actions to Protect the Snowies. Through our partners at Studio Web Design we work with government, community organisations and not for profits to make websites that are cost effective and impactful.
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