Our Home, Our People: A 360° virtual reality film

360 virtual reality shot in Namarai Fiji for COP23.

Climate change in the Pacific

An 11 year old girl notices the sea coming closer and closer to her village. A community leader struggles to provide for his family. A 74 year old carpenter works tirelessly to rebuild houses in his village. All these people have one thing in common: they’re beginning to see, first hand, the devastating effects of climate change.

When the World Bank asked us to find a way to transport participants of the COP23 conference to Fiji so they could experience the impact of climate change on the Pacific, we knew it was the perfect opportunity to use personal stories told through virtual reality to combat a complex global issue.

While climate change can often seem removed from our everyday lives, virtual reality gives each of us the chance to see its impact first-hand. By telling these intimate stories through this technology, we would be able to give audiences the chance to discover for themselves what climate change really means for our future and that of our children.

The project would see us travel to diverse communities across Fiji, immersing ourselves in the lives and culture of the nation’s people. It would see us spend time with people whose lives have been devastated by climate change, but who, despite the odds, hold hope that there’s still time to build a better future.

The result is Our Home, Our People, a powerful virtual reality experience that allows people all over the world to experience first-hand the stories of the people whose lives are being transformed by climate change. It is, we hope, an emphatic call to arms for every one of us to rally together and support these islands and their people before it’s too late.

You can experience the film for yourself on our YouTube channel, take a peek behind the scenes in this blog post  or learn more about the people and communities we visited at the project’s website.

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